aliens de Romania

Ati observat oameni mai ciudati pe strada? Nu ma refer la ciudatii pe care ii stim dintotdeauna, ci la ceva altfel.
Nu ati observat, nu aveati cum, caci se aseamana cu noi, se amesteca printre noi, traiesc ca noi. Scopul lor este acela de a controla tot ce inseamna putere si legislatie, dar si media. Milioane de articole scrise zilnic pe site si bloguri cu scopul de a ne familiariza cu existenta lor. Si reusesc, caci unii s-au adunat si au format
miscari religioase in numele vreunei rase de aliens.

Mai jos in lb. engleza:
2011 will be the year of great hardship for the Earth. Beyond natural disasters, the economic and moral collapse, unprecedented attack of aliens will be turning point in the history of our world.
Maybe you think I’m kidding but it is not. My uncle who works at NASA told me the whole thing.
It was not aliens imagination of science fiction movies, those green monsters. No, extreaterestrii have our own image, for they are all men.
Before Noah’s flood, the world witnessed a flourishing civilization antedeluviana. They had the knowledge to which we today do not dream. But some time before the flood they have left this planet.
Thousand years have passed since then. But their planet has experienced unimaginable wars, disease and human wickedness were downright overwhelming. In 2003, their planet had passed only 3 million people. 500,000 of them have decided to return to the mother planet Earth, because there are no longer makes. Pollution is so high that he can no longer live. But they were not going to come in peace, they want to reclaim their land, just for them. They want to be masters, and us to be their slaves.
And the great tragedy is that there is no way to defend ourselves. Their technology is superior to what we know.


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